Horse Isle 3: Welcome Adventurers
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Welcome Adventurers
Come Join The Infinite Wilds!

Horse Isle 3 - Infinite Wilds!
Infinite World to Explore, Infinite Genetic Breeding, Infinite Wilds to catch!
Free downloads for MAC, Linux And Windows Computers!
HI3: Infinite Wilds!    (Come join the adventure!)
Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! Grand adventure and real world horse genetics await you in this, our third installment.

HI3 is fully 3D, yet retains the unique charm of the previous games. Your horse's performance and actual look are based on its genetics, just like the real world. No two horses look or behave alike. Come discover your special horses!

Along the way, make friends with some of our great playerbase. HI3 players are helpful and fun folks! This is a special place :)

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Infinite Wilds: Infinite World, Infinite Wild Horses & Infinite Horse Genetics Combinations!
Players Currently Online:171 Active Accounts:3458
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.67d    (July 21, 2024)
Hope everyone is having a nice summer! (for those northern hemispherical residents)

Additions & Changes:
+ Properly Prevent selling a parcel with horses in pens.
+ Halved the Pegasus stamina drain. Descending rate dropped even more.
+ Added New Weekly Challenge: Esroh Photographs.
+ Glitch fixes to the Horse Model.
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.67c    (May 26, 2024)
Additions & Changes:
+ Classic wings coloring dye strength improved.
+ Most Pow notifications less noisy like were prior to last update
+ Current Course marker now placed at actual height of obstacles
+ Notifications have a maximum height shown on screen and speed up to 3x when many of them.
+ Notifications font size reduced and tied to chat font size
+ Stamina now decreases when flying with horse, and will give a 10% stamina decimal warning to land when low. (We dropped the ball on this one!)
+ Can now QT to Adventure Party members between sky/land/caves.
+ Allow course obstacles near each other if different maps

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a course obstacle numbering issue out of order.
- Fixed "Wings" crashing.
- Glider air drag fixed back to lower like previously.
- Reins now match the dye color of the equipped endurance bridle properly.
- Fixed issue with horse eyelids that was introduced in previous update.
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.67b    (May 11, 2024)
A Few quick fixes for the big update earlier today!

Bug Fixes:
- Two Crash Exceptions Fixed
- Flap sfx fixed

Danish Sport Pony Exp Top 10
NavyBeanNB Lil'Rascal152,551
DivaDIVA P e y t o n51,556
EverSoeso Wren51,199
YawnYAWN Lillian50,038
DreamDust|DD| Zilpher.091839,558
DreamDust|DD| Cornucopia.110035,698
ElentiyaBLISS Nuala23,676
VampQueenVQ Summer18,086
HuckleberryDIVA s p a r k l e12,622
StandardRacers.SRS. Sunsketch12,500
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Bosnian Exp Top 10
MissJezebelJez Ian38,280
VictoireS.S. Kissed by Fire5,071
VictoireS.S. Grayscale4,922
MaxStryderS.S. Stark's Savior3,060
EliseELISE IANteresting 3o16500
HappenstanceHAPPS Ordered - Breed Challenge0
PepsiPepsi Bosnian0
MaaFATJ Bosnian0
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Grade Cow-pony Exp Top 10
BostonBanker{BB} Princess Pomegranate56,528
EluvianELV Halloumi41,420
DarkSunShine-DSS- Moo29,540
Shuggs}cps{ f0716 Raindrops From Heaven20,876
HwinSadie Hawkins12,000
StarryNights(S) Albert11,078
SeptemberRAM Wagyu 80.3AMT10,250
SeptemberRAM DoctorHoof7,500
SeptemberRAM Wintergreen7,500
SeptemberRAM Jigsy7,500
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Bourbonnais Breeding Stock Exp Top 10
PermafrostBourbonnais Breeding Stock5,192
JettySaurusta|us boring donkey5,000
XyliaSold - Blue's Clues - Roo4,450
Talusta|us Cup 823 Ouija x Kimono3,600
Talusta|us Cup 849 Branberry1,750
Talusta|us Rabbit 821 Ouija Roo Coffee1,750
Talusta|us Ouija 801 Rabbit II1,750
TalusOui 789's foal1,250
EternityStarCOGS BC BBS 21,000
PartyPigeonCOGS Juneau1,000
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Pottok Exp Top 10
WishingWitchMEELO Ches Tobi3,500
Elise(sn) Welcome to the Pyrenees 4o62,500
OrogenyORO Pottok500
JibberishMEELO zPottok2
Autumnautm. Lucky Find - Pottok - Flash0
FlyingFillyOrdered - Breed Challenge0
GoldenHeartStone:bR: Lesi0
SoapSOAP Gaizka0
PepsiPepsi Pottok0
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Burchell's Zebra Exp Top 10
HoopyFroodDP42 Pearly Peach15,750
RainbowBright*Bow* Bright Eyes15,366
HoopyFroodHF639 Deal Me In14,428
OnyxVixen:^^: Sadistic Mutiny12,674
VanaheimVana Cabana Beach12,612
MoonFangzorgi 7.3 69 210 dec 9 alb7,500
CanaryCNY Silken Weaver6,921
ZebraStrikeBurr Zebra 1027 Ed3,500
ZebraStrikeZebra 1024 Dream3,500
ZebraStrikeBurr Zeb 1020 New Blood3,250
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