Horse Isle 3: Welcome Adventurers
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Welcome Adventurers
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Horse Isle 3 - Infinite Wilds!
Infinite World to Explore, Infinite Genetic Breeding, Infinite Wilds to catch!
Free downloads for MAC, Linux And Windows Computers!
HI3: Infinite Wilds!    (Come join the adventure!)
Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! Grand adventure and real world horse genetics await you in this, our third installment.

HI3 is fully 3D, yet retains the unique charm of the previous games. Your horse's performance and actual look are based on its genetics, just like the real world. No two horses look or behave alike. Come discover your special horses!

Along the way, make friends with some of our great playerbase. HI3 players are helpful and fun folks! This is a special place :)

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Infinite Wilds: Infinite World, Infinite Wild Horses & Infinite Horse Genetics Combinations!
Players Currently Online:158 Active Accounts:2634
NEWS: HI3 Minor Server Update    (January 13, 2025)
Just a quick teeny little update to remove a little over-clicking and help fix some player's individual problems.

Additions & Changes:
+ Filling buckets at wells now just takes one click to fill all.
+ While collecting Ore from caves, a random amount of stone +0 to +4 will be collected as well.

Bug Fixes:
- %DestroyMyClubStore will now force removal of horses marked in store even if store removal fails.
NEWS: New Years Minor Game Update    (December 27, 2024)
Additions & Changes:
+ New Command %DestroyMyCLubStore for the rare case of a store that's gotten lost in the nether during club renovations. . . . .
+ Confirmation click on course canceling added.
+ Grey INFERTILE Warning added to profiles where mare >= 20yo now
+ Holiday Trees will be auto removed at the end of new years day now to prevent issues.

Two new Canadian breeds:
(For BBB lovers - they both have fascinating stories. Enjoy the read :).)

+ Canadian Cutting Horse
> > Comes in hundreds of coats.
> > If you want a Western horse with a more 'relaxed' frame from the AQH - this one's for you.
> > Read breeding guidelines in BBB (personality and stats are important with this one!)

+ Royal Canadian Mounted Police Horse
> > Comes only in black (can have white markings to a degree).
> > Makes an excellent sport horse.
> > Read breeding rules (proper parentage and personality are a must).
* BBB info contains a small spoiler about a WIP breed. You can ignore it for now.

A new mini Cow-pony:
+ Cow-pony Miniature Zebu
> > They start at 6.2hh, but feel free to breed them to be even smaller! (Read the Height section in their breed info for useful tips.)
> > This little fella seals the Cow-pony series. We hope you enjoy them all. :)

A new Chinese breed:
+ Erlunchun (a really cute fella.)

A fun Furioso update:
+ Added minimal-mealy.
+ Adjusted bay/black/chestnut ratio to better reflect reality (bay is most common while black and chestnut are rarer).
+ Added Conformation and Performance Metrics sections to breed info (yes, they can make good jumpers).
+ Updated breed info to new layout.

Added new colors to some exiting breeds - you can now order (token) them:
+ Added minimal-mealy to Quarab and its sub-types.
+ Added all of the 'appaloosa' patterns to Malopolski.
+ Added cream-dilutes and minimal-mealy to Orlov-Trotter.
+ Added roan to Selle Francais (extremely rare).
+ Removed coat-shade restriction from the Tersky. They can now come in dark coats (e.g. black-chestnut, liver-chestnut, red-chestnut, raven-black, etc.).

New breed challenges:
+ The top of the Challenged Breed Groups Top 100 list might have been dormant for a while, but no more. It's now your chance to climb to the top and claim a place on the list, with these 14 new breed challenges!

Additional breed tweaks:
+ Orlov-Trotters can now have wavy hair.
+ Updated minimum height of Grade Cow-ponies from 8.3hh to 5.1hh (shortest height possible).
+ Added Conformation and Performance Metrics sections to Hokkaido Pony's breed info, and updated it to the new layout.
(If you don't know this breed yet, it's worth checking it out; cute avatar and countless of coats.)
+ Will update the website's BBB with the new breeds and new images in a couple of days.

Bug Fixes:
NEWS: Happy Christmas!    (December 25, 2024)
Happy Time of year folks!

Couple Notes:

* We have a minor game update coming out in next few days with another breed.

* I heard reports of a couple club trees glitching in presents-opening, so I will review those and figure out a solution soon. We will defeat the Grinch! Just please be patient as life is crazy everywhere :)
UPDATE: Scared the Grinch away from Gnawbone club.

Grade Fine Harness Pony Exp Top 10
YawnYAWN Pax406,066
Tomlinsontom. Indigo336,030
ReggieRAB Madonna100,788
StealthChickenYAWN Fern57,515
FionaKnightWATER Sharmaine56,454
TrevelyanYAWN Kadara55,022
NikitaKITA Starburst54,520
MellowMongooseYAWN Nepenthe54,130
ColterCOLT Ragnar54,104
View Top 100
Puzzle Pro Top 10
PlayerCompleted Medium Puzzles
View Top 100
Carneddau Pony Exp Top 10
ArrowsBUB Peyton6,966
WhiteSummerAzira Cindirela4,500
TheCollectiveTCS Crystal Affinity4,328
SmartEquestrianLucky FInd Rare Breed2,500
TheCollectiveTCS Puppy Eyes1,526
Corgi{CGI} carn Mystical pure1,250
TheCollectiveTCS 1382 pure1,000
Corgi{CGI} card Primacae 40p1,000
Corgi{CGI} carn Medusa amt 40p750
View Top 100

British Spotted Pony of Cob Type Exp Top 10
Paragon~P~ Vakarian25,091
Wispwisp, Hestia20,880
Lizard{Liz} Gir19,346
Sorin~P~ Meeko17,074
NightOpalNITE Thunderbird15,210
SummerSunBSBSP Stanley13,800
BlueSpaghettiBSBSP FoxFire 6 14.5 39.65 9825,674
CathexisBSBSP ess-7 Shadowplay5,630
BlueSpaghettiBSBSP Maisey - 6 14.4 40.15 10295,305
OrogenyORO BSP of cob type4,500
View Top 100
British Spotted Pony Exp Top 10
YawnPX Teacup50,005
WitchDoctor(fur) Second Top BSP27,410
SorinRin's Touch Of Class23,200
DustyRainBuggs Sparky21,756
UniqueRemedyUNIQ* COLOR of Love14,742
UniqueRemedyUNIQ* Jubilation FLASH13,500
Grandpa> Cloud Chaser10,020
Furfur(fur) BrownB brbr flfl7,750
Furfur(fur) Brown br flfl rn stysty7,750
Furfur(fur) BrownB br rn7,750
View Top 100
Slovak Warmblood Exp Top 10
RogueRO Fenrys97,584
MelkorAnnatar[KOR] Y a v a n n a65,822
MiyukiYuki Nitra59,400
VulpeculaVV~ PolluX55,460
SpeakNow(sn) Phoenix52,445
MiyukiMiyu Gg 20.3mph 67ts 35sd-w?46,000
MiyukiMiyu 20.1mph 6.09jp 66ts 35sd-w?46,000
MiyukiMiyu 20.0mph 6.07jp 67ts 38sd-w?46,000
MiyukiMiyu 20.3mph 6.13jp 68ts 34sd-w?45,500
MiyukiMiyu isabella palo but no white44,000
View Top 100

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