Horse Isle 3: Welcome Adventurers
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Welcome Adventurers
Come Join The Infinite Wilds!

Horse Isle 3 - Infinite Wilds!
Infinite World to Explore, Infinite Genetic Breeding, Infinite Wilds to catch!
Free downloads for MAC, Linux And Windows Computers!
HI3: Infinite Wilds!    (Come join the adventure!)
Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! Grand adventure and real world horse genetics await you in this, our third installment.

HI3 is fully 3D, yet retains the unique charm of the previous games. Your horse's performance and actual look are based on its genetics, just like the real world. No two horses look or behave alike. Come discover your special horses!

Along the way, make friends with some of our great playerbase. HI3 players are helpful and fun folks! This is a special place :)

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Infinite Wilds: Infinite World, Infinite Wild Horses & Infinite Horse Genetics Combinations!
Players Currently Online:171 Active Accounts:3458
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.67d    (July 21, 2024)
Hope everyone is having a nice summer! (for those northern hemispherical residents)

Additions & Changes:
+ Properly Prevent selling a parcel with horses in pens.
+ Halved the Pegasus stamina drain. Descending rate dropped even more.
+ Added New Weekly Challenge: Esroh Photographs.
+ Glitch fixes to the Horse Model.
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.67c    (May 26, 2024)
Additions & Changes:
+ Classic wings coloring dye strength improved.
+ Most Pow notifications less noisy like were prior to last update
+ Current Course marker now placed at actual height of obstacles
+ Notifications have a maximum height shown on screen and speed up to 3x when many of them.
+ Notifications font size reduced and tied to chat font size
+ Stamina now decreases when flying with horse, and will give a 10% stamina decimal warning to land when low. (We dropped the ball on this one!)
+ Can now QT to Adventure Party members between sky/land/caves.
+ Allow course obstacles near each other if different maps

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a course obstacle numbering issue out of order.
- Fixed "Wings" crashing.
- Glider air drag fixed back to lower like previously.
- Reins now match the dye color of the equipped endurance bridle properly.
- Fixed issue with horse eyelids that was introduced in previous update.
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.67b    (May 11, 2024)
A Few quick fixes for the big update earlier today!

Bug Fixes:
- Two Crash Exceptions Fixed
- Flap sfx fixed

Dark American Mammoth Jackstock Exp Top 10
DesertPaintDINO_ Ferny27,668
BelleAmeBEAM Weasel23,922
BlockDINO_ Almost Maxed-BrindleBlack17,986
BunnyChowDINO_ m i t z y.17,652
SunDancerDINO_ Nightengale16,000
HorseRiderDINO_ Jack Daniels14,984
BelleAmeba* DAMJ Black14,200
BelleAmeba* DAMJ Black14,200
IceWolfIWS D 15.5 43.83 57kg11,030
SkellyKat{SK} Frankie 864-310,442
View Top 100
Zangersheide Exp Top 10
Thimblecya. Ao Shun745,864
NoticeMeSenpai.Sen. Vegeta332,414
RogueRO Lucid Dream243,680
XavierSage[arc] cyra162,572
Helena=|H|= At the Hundredth Meridian161,527
Spot:I: Siegfried161,112
Tomlinsontom. Peach153,020
BooLAMP Luna107,441
SapphireHorse~WS~ Knight104,670
Thimblecya. Long Mu100,894
View Top 100
Friesian White Horse Exp Top 10
SkellyKat{SK} Nurse Dove 1075-550,402
PinkStar[Sky] Starlight9,418
Shuggs}cps{ fP1198 Indiana 17h8,500
Shuggs}cps{ fP1282 Vanity 16h8,500
FerretWrangler{Fer} Acacia 7 -O-7,750
FerretWrangler{Fer} Butternut 7 -O-7,500
TurquoisePhosphateLMY Mighty Tall 16.5 coco7,250
TurquoisePhosphateLMY Kellendria 16.8 Amco7,000
View Top 100

Flemish Exp Top 10
Goateemgt- Rings of Saturn118,804
Honey.:H:. Puzzle Pieces12,972
RhoRx Feather11,628
FevFM Venus8,631
Mercimerc. Black Hearts7,800
EternityStar BC Flemish5,757
MellowMongooseMM Feather5,520
YagaYAGA~ R o u g e5,276
RhoRx 1082 100 15.0 - long5,250
JibberishAdora ZFlemish3,250
View Top 100
Lokai Exp Top 10
Bettabet Kiwi50,102
OrogenyORO Lokai17,420
LakeBearMy Precious5,638
CucumberLionKarma Chameleon5,605
PermafrostKona. Hylian Loach3,520
ThatPersonTPfav FireLuna3,250
HwinEverything's Fine1,500
FoxInABoxD 18.0 43 965 red bay's foal's500
DancyDew/_\ Starboy337
View Top 100
Norwegian Warmblood Exp Top 10
MacMAC Helvegr144,838
Effigy::) cursed in eternity.62,138
MiyukiMiyu Solo Leveling59,098
MiyukiMiyu Mikasa58,744
MacMAC Solveig53,058
Effigy::) fall of seraphs.41,606
MacMAC Rollo24,132
Thimblecya. 20.1 33.6620,500
Thimblecya. N o r a19,340
Thimblecya. 19.8 m o u s e 33.7818,224
View Top 100

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