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[ INDEX ] Equine Type: Horse Breed: American Mustang (AM)   [ PREV ] [ NEXT ]
American Mustang Sepia Brown Tobiano Coat (left view)
Sepia Brown Tobiano Coat (left view)
American Mustang Linebacked Golden Champagne Sabino Coat (normal view)
Linebacked Golden Champagne Sabino Coat (normal view)

American Mustang Mealy Linebacked Bright Bay Coat (front view)
Mealy Linebacked Bright Bay Coat (front view)
American Mustang Red Chestnut Coat (right view)
Red Chestnut Coat (right view)

American Mustangs are wild horses that roam the western regions of the United States.

North America wasn't always a land of horses. On the contrary; when the Bering land bridge that connected the continent of North America with Asia disappeared underwater, and the continent as we know it today was formed, there were no horses on it. Horses were first introduced to North America in the 1500s, when Spanish conquerors arrived at the western shores of America with their Spanish horses.

The Spaniards settled in North America and built ranches in which they kept their cattle, sheep, and horses. Some of those Spanish horses escaped from the ranches by taking advantage of broken fences during Indian raids or by breaking down the fences themselves, and became wild horses.

The wild Spanish horses met wild draft horses, ponies, and non-Spanish horses, who escaped from the ranches in the eastern regions of North America. The American Mustang is the result of this mix of breeds. Living in the wild plains of North America, with minimal to no human intervention, these horses became smaller and stronger. They gained the name "Mustang", which is derived from the Spanish word "mesteno" which means stray.

By the 1800s there were millions of American Mustangs roaming the plains. A clash between those massive herds and local farmers, who needed more grazing spaces for the cattle, was only a matter of time. Farmers started to hunt the Mustangs, and by the 1970s there were only around 30,000 Mustangs left.

In order to prevent the complete extinction of those wild horses, a new law was passed in 1971 that prohibits hurting or hunting Mustang Horses on federal land. It was later amended to allow the management of the Mustang population by the American Government.

The American Mustang Today:
Today, wild herds of Mustang horses can only be found in nature reserves and national parks in the USA. Excessive horses are eligible to be adopted by individuals, which is why American Mustangs can also be found in private ranches. They are popular as endurance horses.

Performance metrics:
The following are the: range, average, (SD), and MOE of performance metrics of ordered American Mustangs in Horse Isle (not bred ones). In rare cases, horses might have metrics outside of the range. Breeders can produce horses that are beyond this range.

Speed: 13.8-15.5, 14.7 (0.3), 0.07.
Sprint: 54-66, 59 (3), 0.53.

Accel: 1.03-1.18, 1.10 (0.04), 0.01.
Decel: 0.93-1.10, 1.02 (0.04), 0.01.

Jump: 4.89-5.20, 5.05 (0.06), 0.01.
Pull: 2.14-3.09, 2.57 (0.21), 0.04.

Turning: 56.39-68.87, 62.71 (3), 0.59.
Reverse: 2.5-3.2, 2.9 (0.1), 0.03.

Stamina: 46.05-52.13, 48.83 (1.43), 0.28.
Reaction: 0.72-0.83, 0.78 (0.02), 0.00

Coats & Height:

Colors & patterns: all colors and patterns except for manchado and mushroom.
Height: usually 13hh to 15hh, but full range is 13hh to 16hh.
American Mustang Black Coat
Black Coat
American Mustang Dappled Black Coat
Dappled Black Coat
American Mustang Coal Black Coat
Coal Black Coat
American Mustang Mealy Ebony Black Coat
Mealy Ebony Black Coat
American Mustang Ebony Seal Brown Coat
Ebony Seal Brown Coat
American Mustang Seal Brown Coat
Seal Brown Coat
American Mustang Burgundy Dark Brown Coat
Burgundy Dark Brown Coat
American Mustang Sooty Sepia Brown Coat
Sooty Sepia Brown Coat
American Mustang Sooty Linebacked Brown Coat
Sooty Linebacked Brown Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Brown Coat
Linebacked Brown Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Chocolate Brown Coat
Linebacked Chocolate Brown Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Blood Bay Coat
Linebacked Blood Bay Coat
American Mustang Red Bay Coat
Red Bay Coat
American Mustang Golden Mahogany Bay Coat
Golden Mahogany Bay Coat
American Mustang Mealy Linebacked Bright Bay Coat
Mealy Linebacked Bright Bay Coat
American Mustang Golden Bay Coat
Golden Bay Coat
American Mustang Sooty Linebacked Sandy Wild Bay Coat
Sooty Linebacked Sandy Wild Bay Coat
American Mustang Sandy Wild Bay Coat
Sandy Wild Bay Coat
American Mustang Black Chestnut Coat
Black Chestnut Coat
American Mustang Liver Chestnut Coat
Liver Chestnut Coat
American Mustang Red Chestnut Coat
Red Chestnut Coat
American Mustang Chestnut Coat
Chestnut Coat
American Mustang Flaxen Chestnut Coat
Flaxen Chestnut Coat
American Mustang Bright Sorrel Coat
Bright Sorrel Coat
American Mustang Golden Chestnut Coat
Golden Chestnut Coat
American Mustang Mealy Smoky Black Coat
Mealy Smoky Black Coat
American Mustang Buckskin Coat
Buckskin Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Buckskin Coat
Linebacked Buckskin Coat
American Mustang Copper Palomino Coat
Copper Palomino Coat
American Mustang Flaxen Bright Palomino Sabino Coat
Flaxen Bright Palomino Sabino Coat
American Mustang Perlino Coat
Perlino Coat
American Mustang Cremello Tobiano Coat
Cremello Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Sooty Dun Coat
Sooty Dun Coat
American Mustang Dark Dun Coat
Dark Dun Coat
American Mustang Dun Coat
Dun Coat
American Mustang Red Dun Coat
Red Dun Coat
American Mustang Perlino Dun Coat
Perlino Dun Coat
American Mustang Grulla Coat
Grulla Coat
American Mustang Coal Blue Silver Coat
Coal Blue Silver Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Smoky Black Silver Coat
Linebacked Smoky Black Silver Coat
American Mustang Brown Silver Coat
Brown Silver Coat
American Mustang Bright Bay Silver Coat
Bright Bay Silver Coat
American Mustang Mealy Red Bay Silver Coat
Mealy Red Bay Silver Coat
American Mustang Sooty Dunskin Silver Coat
Sooty Dunskin Silver Coat
American Mustang Yellow Silver Sabino Coat
Yellow Silver Sabino Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Silver Grey Coat
Linebacked Silver Grey Coat
American Mustang Perlino Silver Sabino Coat
Perlino Silver Sabino Coat
American Mustang Grey Coat
Grey Coat
American Mustang Grey Sabino Coat
Grey Sabino Coat
American Mustang Grey Tovero Coat
Grey Tovero Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Smoky Black Roan Coat
Linebacked Smoky Black Roan Coat
American Mustang White Coat
White Coat
American Mustang Claybank Dun Tobiano Coat
Claybank Dun Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Grulla Tobiano Coat
Grulla Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Brown Tobiano Coat
Brown Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Brown Pearl Tobiano Coat
Brown Pearl Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Chestnut Tobiano Coat
Chestnut Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Sepia Brown Tobiano Coat
Sepia Brown Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Dunalino Tobiano Coat
Dunalino Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Copper Palomino Tobiano Coat
Copper Palomino Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Bright Mahogany Bay Tobiano Coat
Linebacked Bright Mahogany Bay Tobiano Coat
American Mustang Seal Brown Tovero Coat
Seal Brown Tovero Coat
American Mustang Mealy Smoky Brown Tovero Coat
Mealy Smoky Brown Tovero Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Coal Black Tovero Coat
Linebacked Coal Black Tovero Coat
American Mustang Red Dun Tovero Coat
Red Dun Tovero Coat
American Mustang Dun Frame Coat
Dun Frame Coat
American Mustang Amber Champagne Pearl Frame Coat
Amber Champagne Pearl Frame Coat
American Mustang Ebony Black Splash Coat
Ebony Black Splash Coat
American Mustang Cream Amber Champagne Sabino Coat
Cream Amber Champagne Sabino Coat
American Mustang Bright Sorrel Sabino Coat
Bright Sorrel Sabino Coat
American Mustang Amber Pearl Sabino Coat
Amber Pearl Sabino Coat
American Mustang Red Bay Sabino Coat
Red Bay Sabino Coat
American Mustang Sooty Buckskin Sabino Coat
Sooty Buckskin Sabino Coat
American Mustang Sooty Brown Sabino Coat
Sooty Brown Sabino Coat
American Mustang Brown Sabino Coat
Brown Sabino Coat
American Mustang Sepia Brown Sabino Coat
Sepia Brown Sabino Coat
American Mustang Classic Cream Pearl Coat
Classic Cream Pearl Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Cream Pearl Coat
Linebacked Cream Pearl Coat
American Mustang Sooty Amber Cream Pearl Coat
Sooty Amber Cream Pearl Coat
American Mustang Sooty Classic Cream Pearl Coat
Sooty Classic Cream Pearl Coat
American Mustang Sooty Linebacked Amber Cream Pearl Silver Coat
Sooty Linebacked Amber Cream Pearl Silver Coat
American Mustang Cream Amber Champagne Coat
Cream Amber Champagne Coat
American Mustang Cream Amber Champagne Silver Coat
Cream Amber Champagne Silver Coat
American Mustang Linebacked Golden Champagne Coat
Linebacked Golden Champagne Coat
American Mustang Mealy Golden Champagne Coat
Mealy Golden Champagne Coat
American Mustang Amber Cream Pearl Coat
Amber Cream Pearl Coat
American Mustang Flaxen Liver Chocolate Chestnut Coat
Flaxen Liver Chocolate Chestnut Coat

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