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[ INDEX ] Equine Type: Horse Breed: American Shetland   [ PREV ] [ NEXT ]
American Shetland Sooty Copper Palomino Coat (left view)
Sooty Copper Palomino Coat (left view)
American Shetland Flaxen Linebacked Bright Palomino Tobiano Coat (normal view)
Flaxen Linebacked Bright Palomino Tobiano Coat (normal view)

American Shetland Smoky Cream Tobiano Coat (front view)
Smoky Cream Tobiano Coat (front view)
American Shetland Bright Red Roan Coat (right view)
Bright Red Roan Coat (right view)

The American Shetland is an American small pony breed, which is often small enough to be considered a miniature pony.

Not a Shetland:
Although it has 'Shetland' in its name, the American Shetland is not a Shetland Pony (also known as "Shetland," for short).

The Shetland is a Scottish pony breed that originated in the Shetland Islands and remained pure for centuries. The American Shetland is an American breed created by mixing Scottish Shetlands with other horse and pony breeds, namely with Hackneys.

19th-century roots:
The ancestors of the American Shetland are Shetland Ponies which were imported from Scotland to the USA during 1884 and 1885. These tiny ponies gained the interest of many American breeders, who started to cross them with Hackney horses, Hackney ponies, and Welsh ponies.

In 1888, the American Shetland Pony Club was established with the aim of managing and developing this crossbreeding program.

A tiny Hackney-like horse:
During the first half of the 20th century, breeders continued to cross Shetland Ponies with Hackneys and with Welsh ponies. The crossbred offspring were then crossed again with Hackneys, Welsh ponies, small Arabians, and small Thoroughbreds.

The resulting breed, whose conformation was more similar to that of a small Hackney than to that of a Shetland, was seen as the American version of the Shetland pony, and was therefore called "American Shetland."

A showy little horse:
By the 1950s, the American Shetland was an established breed with a distinctive conformation, which was slim and showy (compared to that of the original Shetland Pony.) In addition, many American Shetlands inherited the high knee-action and high-stepping trot of their Hackney ancestors.

Having both an elegant conformation and eye-catching movement, the American Shetland was the ideal pony for halter and driving classes, and the breed became popular in the USA.

The American Shetland today:
Today, most American Shetlands are used for halter and driving classes, but some of them are also used as mounts for small children. In addition, American Shetlands who are shorter than 9.2hh are often also registered as Miniature Horses.

Four subtypes of American Shetlands:
There are four subtypes of American Shetlands, of which three are found in Horse Isle.

There is the 'Foundation American Shetland', whose conformation is similar to the conformation that American Shetlands had back in the 1950s; the 'Modern American Shetland', whose conformation and knee-action are similar to those of Hackney Ponies (see the 'Hackney'); and the 'Classic American Shetland', whose conformation is somewhere in-between and who has a regular knee-action.

The fourth subtype, which is not found in Horse Isle, is the 'Modern Pleasure American Shetland,' which looks identical to the Modern American Shetland but lacks its high action.

Generally speaking, American Shetlands look more like tiny Hackneys rather than Shetlands.

The head is slender, with large eyes and small ears, broad at the forehead but tapers toward a fine muzzle with large nostrils. The profile varies from straight to slightly concave, and the poll is horizontal.

The neck is long and arched, with a broad base although it tapers toward the head into a fine throatlatch, and with a rounded topline and of high connection to slightly prominent withers. The back is short back, the croup is horizontal, and the hooves are broad. The tail can be held at any angle, from a normal low to 'Arab-like' high.

The hair of the mane and tails is fine. The mane can be anywhere from short to long in length, but the tail grows long.

Performance metrics:
The following are the: range, average, (SD), and MOE of performance metrics of ordered American Shetlands in Horse Isle (not bred ones). In rare cases, horses might have metrics outside of the range. Breeders can produce horses that are beyond this range.

Speed: 11.7-13.3, 12.3 (0.5), 0.09.
Sprint: 16-31, 23 (4), 0.77.

Accel: 0.87-1.05, 0.94 (0.04), 0.01.
Decel: 0.83-1.03, 0.93 (0.04), 0.01.

Jump: 4.79-5.29, 5.09 (0.08), 0.02.
Pull: 0.15-1.07, 0.56 (0.25), 0.05.

Turning: 44.38-59.68, 50.81 (2.94), 0.58.
Reverse: 2.2-2.8, 2.5 (0.1), 0.03.

Stamina: 39.98-45.77, 42.84 (1.47), 0.29.
Reaction: 0.56-0.70, 0.63 (0.03), 0.01.

Coats & Height:
Colors & patterns: all colors and patterns except for champagne, dominant-black, pearl, manchado, and leopard.

Height: 7hh to 11.2hh, although each subtype has its own height range.
American Shetland Black Coat
Black Coat
American Shetland Coal Black Coat
Coal Black Coat
American Shetland Black Sabino Coat
Black Sabino Coat
American Shetland Sooty Coal Black Sabino Coat
Sooty Coal Black Sabino Coat
American Shetland Raven Black Tobiano Coat
Raven Black Tobiano Coat
American Shetland Black Tobiano Coat
Black Tobiano Coat
American Shetland Burgundy Seal Brown Coat
Burgundy Seal Brown Coat
American Shetland Seal Brown Coat
Seal Brown Coat
American Shetland Sooty Linebacked Chocolate Brown Coat
Sooty Linebacked Chocolate Brown Coat
American Shetland Chocolate Brown Coat
Chocolate Brown Coat
American Shetland Mealy Brown Sabino Coat
Mealy Brown Sabino Coat
American Shetland Bright Bay Coat
Bright Bay Coat
American Shetland Mealy Linebacked Red Bay Sabino Coat
Mealy Linebacked Red Bay Sabino Coat
American Shetland Bright Red Roan Coat
Bright Red Roan Coat
American Shetland Black Chestnut Coat
Black Chestnut Coat
American Shetland Red Chestnut Coat
Red Chestnut Coat
American Shetland Red Chestnut Coat
Red Chestnut Coat
American Shetland Flaxen Red Chestnut Frame Coat
Flaxen Red Chestnut Frame Coat
American Shetland Bright Chestnut Coat
Bright Chestnut Coat
American Shetland Flaxen Golden Chestnut Coat
Flaxen Golden Chestnut Coat
American Shetland Bright Chestnut Sabino Coat
Bright Chestnut Sabino Coat
American Shetland Bright Chestnut Tobiano Coat
Bright Chestnut Tobiano Coat
American Shetland Sooty Linebacked Bright Strawberry Roan Sabino Coat
Sooty Linebacked Bright Strawberry Roan Sabino Coat
American Shetland Smoky Brown Coat
Smoky Brown Coat
American Shetland Brown Buckskin Coat
Brown Buckskin Coat
American Shetland Sooty Buckskin Coat
Sooty Buckskin Coat
American Shetland Buckskin Coat
Buckskin Coat
American Shetland Linebacked Buckskin Coat
Linebacked Buckskin Coat
American Shetland Buckskin Tobiano Coat
Buckskin Tobiano Coat
American Shetland Golden Palomino Coat
Golden Palomino Coat
American Shetland Sooty Copper Palomino Coat
Sooty Copper Palomino Coat
American Shetland Bright Palomino Coat
Bright Palomino Coat
American Shetland Golden Palomino Sabino Coat
Golden Palomino Sabino Coat
American Shetland Flaxen Golden Palomino Sabino Coat
Flaxen Golden Palomino Sabino Coat
American Shetland Bright Palomino Tovero Coat
Bright Palomino Tovero Coat
American Shetland Smoky Cream Coat
Smoky Cream Coat
American Shetland Smoky Cream Tobiano Coat
Smoky Cream Tobiano Coat
American Shetland Perlino Coat
Perlino Coat
American Shetland Perlino Sabino Coat
Perlino Sabino Coat
American Shetland Cremello Coat
Cremello Coat
American Shetland Flaxen Cremello Coat
Flaxen Cremello Coat
American Shetland Grulla Roan Coat
Grulla Roan Coat
American Shetland Sooty Dun Coat
Sooty Dun Coat
American Shetland Dun Tobiano Coat
Dun Tobiano Coat
American Shetland Mealy Dun Tovero Coat
Mealy Dun Tovero Coat
American Shetland Silvery Slate Grulla Coat
Silvery Slate Grulla Coat
American Shetland Dunskin Coat
Dunskin Coat
American Shetland Flaxen Sooty Dunalino Roan Coat
Flaxen Sooty Dunalino Roan Coat
American Shetland Grey Coat
Grey Coat
American Shetland Grey Coat
Grey Coat
American Shetland Shaded Coal Blue Silver Coat
Shaded Coal Blue Silver Coat
American Shetland Brown Silver Coat
Brown Silver Coat
American Shetland Linebacked Bright Mahogany Bay Silver Coat
Linebacked Bright Mahogany Bay Silver Coat
American Shetland Bay Silver Coat
Bay Silver Coat
American Shetland Dunskin Silver Coat
Dunskin Silver Coat
American Shetland Pale Yellow Silver Coat
Pale Yellow Silver Coat
American Shetland Linebacked Perlino Silver Coat
Linebacked Perlino Silver Coat
American Shetland Sooty Red Wild Bay Silver Sabino Coat
Sooty Red Wild Bay Silver Sabino Coat
American Shetland Brown Silver Tovero Coat
Brown Silver Tovero Coat
American Shetland Buckskin Rabicano Coat
Buckskin Rabicano Coat

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