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[ INDEX ] Equine Type: Horse Breed: Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division   [ PREV ] [ NEXT ]
Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division Flaxen Copper Palomino Coat (left view)
Flaxen Copper Palomino Coat (left view)
Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division Wild Bay Coat (normal view)
Wild Bay Coat (normal view)

Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division Cremello Coat (front view)
Cremello Coat (front view)
Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division Perlino Coat (right view)
Perlino Coat (right view)

The Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division is a special registry for non-white foals that were born to two Friesian White Horses or to one Friesian White Horse and one Friesian horse.

Dominant white and when things don't go right:
Dominant-white is a tricky coat color in horses, in the sense that it never exists in a homozygous state. In other words, dominant-white horses are always heterozygous for the White W allele, which means that they always carry one non-white (w) allele.

Crossing two white horses together always leaves a chance to get a non-white foal. This creates a problem: what do you do with the non-white foal? In the case of the Friesian White Horse, such foals will be registered in the Non-white Division.

About the Non-white Division:
Non-white foals that are born to two Friesian White Horses can serve as breeding stock for Friesian White Horses. You can cross them with American White Horses or with Friesian White Horses, and if the foal is born white (and with proper conformation) they will be registered as a Friesian White.

That said, Non-white Friesian Whites are not allowed to be crossed with non-white horses, because it'll defeat their purpose of serving as breeding stock for Friesian White Horses.

Identical to Friesian White Horses.

Performance metrics:
The following are the: range, average, (SD), and MOE of performance metrics of ordered Friesian White Horses in Horse Isle (not bred ones). In rare cases, horses might have metrics outside of the range. Breeders can produce horses that are beyond this range.

Note: these metrics are identical to those of the Friesian White Horse.

Speed: 14.1-16.0, 15.1 (0.3), 0.07.
Sprint: 42-55, 48 (3), 0.54.

Accel: 0.89-1.11, 1.00 (0.05), 0.01.
Decel: 0.91-1.10, 0.98 (0.04), 0.01.

Jump: 4.89-5.23, 5.04 (0.06), 0.01.
Pull: 2.07-3.17, 2.72 (0.24), 0.05.

Turning: 52.83-65.76, 58.75 (2.8), 0.55.
Reverse: 2.5-3.1, 2.8 (0.1), 0.02.

Stamina: 47.75-53.63, 50.86 (1.47), 0.29.
Reaction: 0.75-0.86, 0.80 (0.02), 0.00.

Coats & Height:
Coat: bay, dark-bay ('brown'), black, chestnut, cream-dilutes.

Additionals: flaxen, sooty. The coat is always solid.

Height: 14.0hh to 17.1hh.
Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division Flaxen Copper Palomino Coat
Flaxen Copper Palomino Coat
Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division Perlino Coat
Perlino Coat
Friesian White Horse - Non-white Division Cremello Coat
Cremello Coat

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