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[ INDEX ] Equine Type: Horse Breed: Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B (KMSH-B)   [ PREV ] [ NEXT ]
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Flaxen Sooty Dunalino Coat (left view)
Flaxen Sooty Dunalino Coat (left view)
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Red Dun Coat (normal view)
Red Dun Coat (normal view)

Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Grey Coat (front view)
Grey Coat (front view)
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Dunskin Coat (right view)
Dunskin Coat (right view)

A Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B (KMSH-B) is any KMSH that stands between 14hh and 16hh.

Performance metrics:
The following are the: range, average, (SD), and MOE of performance metrics of ordered Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horses - Type B in Horse Isle (not bred ones). In rare cases, horses might have metrics outside of the range. Breeders can produce horses that are beyond this range.

Speed: 15.7-17.0, 16.4 (0.3), 0.06.
Sprint: 50-62, 56 (2), 0.48.

Accel: 0.86-1.04, 0.96 (0.04), 0.01.
Decel: 0.88-1.03, 0.96 (0.03), 0.01.

Jump: 5.10-5.36, 5.23 (0.05), 0.01.
Pull: 1.89-2.44, 2.13 (0.13), 0.03.

Turning: 48.41-61.10, 53.84 (2.93), 0.57.
Reverse: 2.5-3.1, 2.8 (0.1), 0.03.

Stamina: 42.33-48.48, 45.87 (1.20), 0.24.
Reaction: 0.68-0.79, 0.75 (0.03), 0.01.

Coats & Height:
Colors: usually flaxen dark-chestnut, but all colors (and dilutions) exist in this breed except for dominant-black, dominant-white, mushroom, and pearl.

Additionals: flaxen, linebacked, rabicano, roan, sooty, all rare patterns. The coat is always solid, and horses who present too prominent blazes or stockings are banned from registration as KMSH - type B (they are eligible for registration as SMSH - type B, see below.)

Height: 14hh to 16hh.

(For more information, see the 'Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse.')
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Ebony Seal Brown Coat
Ebony Seal Brown Coat
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Linebacked Bright Bay Silver Coat
Linebacked Bright Bay Silver Coat
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Chestnut Coat
Chestnut Coat
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Dunskin Coat
Dunskin Coat
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Flaxen Sooty Dunalino Coat
Flaxen Sooty Dunalino Coat
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse - Type B Grey Coat
Grey Coat

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