Various Current Player Rankings
Top Diligencier Percheron Exp
# | Player | Horse | Exp |
#1 | Epic | 3E Chantilly Dream | 64,837 |
#2 | CocoIsLoco | CIL Cajun | 52,810 |
#3 | Cathexis | | C | .Felicity | 50,180 |
#4 | Orca | ORC Jupiter | 17,000 |
#5 | Orca | ORC Sega | 17,000 |
#6 | Orca | ORC Ecstatic | 16,042 |
#7 | Orca | ORC 1584 18.7 29 LM wm | 16,000 |
#8 | Orca | ORC 1561 19.2 LM | 14,500 |
#9 | Orca | ORC 1551 19.3 LM | 14,500 |
#10 | Orca | ORC 1557 19.1 LM | 14,500 |
#11 | Orca | ORC 1490 19.2 LM | 14,500 |
#12 | Orca | ORC 1492 19.2 LM | 14,500 |
#13 | Orca | ORC 48cm | 14,500 |
#14 | Orca | ORC 1559 19.3 31 LM | 13,500 |
#15 | Orca | ORC 1510 19.3 LM | 13,500 |
#16 | Orca | ORC 1545 19.2 LM | 13,500 |
#17 | Orca | ORC 1547 19.2 LM | 13,500 |
#18 | Atari | Amaris | 13,438 |
#19 | CowboyWizard | Wzrd King Phillip | 10,544 |
#20 | Orca | ORC 1559 19.1 LM gG | 10,500 |
#21 | Orca | ORC 1551 19.2 LM | 10,500 |
#22 | HoopyFrood | HF639 Silent Night | 10,000 |
#23 | Orca | ORC 1322 18.1 LM sb | 9,500 |
#24 | Orca | ORC 1196 LM sb wm | 9,000 |
#25 | Orca | ORC 1171 LM sb wm | 9,000 |
#26 | CharlieMorningstar | raven Harbinger | 8,340 |
#27 | Cubby | CUB Sagittarius | 7,799 |
#28 | Orca | ORC 1514 19.3 LM | 7,500 |
#29 | Orca | ORC 1520 19.3 LM | 7,500 |
#30 | Troglodyte | TROG Polnareff | 7,351 |
#31 | Cubby | CUB Sven | 7,110 |
#32 | Miyuki | Yuki Yayoi | 6,676 |
#33 | Palomino | {P} Sweater Weather --- | 6,614 |
#34 | Orca | ORC 1482 18.7 sb gG | 6,500 |
#35 | Orca | ORC 1553 19.0 GG | 6,500 |
#36 | Orca | ORC 1529 18.7 V GG | 6,500 |
#37 | Orca | ORC 1531 19.2 | 6,000 |
#38 | Orca | ORC 1263 17.0 sb gG wm | 5,500 |
#39 | Orca | ORC 1459 17.5 sb sm | 5,500 |
#40 | Nautica | MSTNG 0851 14.7 64.10 38.84 .85 | 5,250 |
#41 | Arrows | BUB Grey | 5,046 |
#42 | Orca | ORC 1539 19.2 | 5,000 |
#43 | RainbowSkittles | ba* flea | 4,510 |
#44 | BlackDiamondRose | Andromeda | 4,127 |
#45 | Nautica | MSTNG 0908 15.1 59.30 39.03 .81 | 4,000 |
#46 | Nautica | MSTNG 0871 14.8 64.91 40.00 .83 | 4,000 |
#47 | Nautica | MSTNG 0837 15.0 63.00 39.69 .84 | 3,500 |
#48 | Nautica | MSTNG 0855 14.9 63.69 39.32 .84 | 3,500 |
#49 | Jinxed | MTT Obsidian's foal's' foal | 3,257 |
#50 | TheRogue | Tall Mare | 3,250 |
#51 | LaenaWolfMaiden | *DFMI Indigo | 3,144 |
#52 | Epic | 3E Excalibur | 3,080 |
#53 | OgreWatch | Rp black choc ches PB perchy | 3,036 |
#54 | Maya | MTT Valace | 3,028 |
#55 | Jinxed | MTT Obsidian's foal's' foal | 3,027 |
#56 | Maelstrom | MTT Geode's foal's | 3,010 |
#57 | PawSum | MTT Party | 3,000 |
#58 | ElfGem | {P} Fleabitten | 3,000 |
#59 | FeyLight | MTT PER mm. Nothing To Hide | 2,786 |
#60 | FeyLight | MTT PER mm. Red as Blood | 2,776 |
#61 | Midori | MTT Percheron Mare | 2,750 |
#62 | Arowan | Gwendolyn | 2,697 |
#63 | Stampede | Aka Nelly | 2,596 |
#64 | Epic | 3E Audacious Impulse | 2,577 |
#65 | FeyLight | MTT PER mm. Feed the Fire | 2,515 |
#66 | RecklessReaction | MTT Rec17. 5-6 Dementor | 2,514 |
#67 | Birdy | IDOL Saphira | 2,500 |
#68 | Birdy | IDOL Belle Town | 2,500 |
#69 | PawSum | MTT Veloce | 2,500 |
#70 | Miriel | Dil Perch breed for Des Norman | 2,500 |
#71 | BlueMithrilPaladin | Zeus | 2,418 |
#72 | MadJackal | Percheron PB's foal | 2,250 |
#73 | Birdy | IDOL Roxy | 2,250 |
#74 | Birdy | IDOL Gaia | 2,250 |
#75 | ClownRock | *nyx* Clowny | 2,160 |
#76 | Palomino | {P} Fleck | 2,102 |
#77 | Zone | PR Doublemint's Malevolence's foal | 2,000 |
#78 | Zone | Perch's foal | 2,000 |
#79 | Zone | Doublemint's Golden Jewel's foal | 2,000 |
#80 | Zone | Ambernita's Prima Ballerina's foal | 2,000 |
#81 | Zone | Ambernita's Jodi's foal | 2,000 |
#82 | WolfTrot | FDHB Big Jake | 1,806 |
#83 | Orcinus | MTT Burnt Toast | 1,771 |
#84 | Native | MTT Diligencier Percheron 849 | 1,762 |
#85 | Autumn | autm. Fantome | 1,750 |
#86 | Autumn | autm. Khasper | 1,750 |
#87 | Birdy | IDOL T Sasha | 1,750 |
#88 | RoyalPython | Rp Starless Eluna | 1,750 |
#89 | Lepidoptera | Bovin Kissynose | 1,506 |
#90 | Lepidoptera | Bovin Second Star To The Right | 1,503 |
#91 | Lepidoptera | Bovin Cote d'Ivoire | 1,501 |
#92 | Birdy | IDOL T Brooke | 1,500 |
#93 | Birdy | IDOL T Lady | 1,500 |
#94 | Erebus | bite 10 15.5 4.53 38 83 black | 1,500 |
#95 | LaenaWolfMaiden | Inola | 1,268 |
#96 | LaenaWolfMaiden | Xylia | 1,263 |
#97 | Native | MTT Diligencier Percheron 876 | 1,260 |
#98 | SakuraCowgirl | MSTNG Artemis | 1,252 |
#99 | Birdy | IDOL T Sleepy | 1,250 |
#100 | Birdy | IDOL Ruth | 1,250 |
Last updated 1311 minutes ago