Various Current Player Rankings
Top Persano Exp
# | Player | Horse | Exp |
#1 | Shimmer | VIVA Ugly Persian Rug | 146,696 |
#2 | Dash | VIVA Persia | 33,804 |
#3 | Dozy | doz. Bear | 23,242 |
#4 | NightOpal | NITE Point Break | 21,128 |
#5 | Shimmer | MUT<3 Dirty Doormat | 15,500 |
#6 | ShadowReine | COGS Rememory | 15,000 |
#7 | Nomen | nome. Lasombra | 12,177 |
#8 | Fluids | Pearl | 11,869 |
#9 | Bee | {Bee} Drax | 10,652 |
#10 | CatWithAHat | CWH Indy | 10,626 |
#11 | BanBan | Siesta-LF! | 9,500 |
#12 | VampQueen | VQ Rudy | 9,200 |
#13 | Dozy | Hvn Foxhunter 17.4 33.59 58 | 9,000 |
#14 | BadFish | -B- PER 18.3 31.25 54.91 | 8,500 |
#15 | Dozy | Hvn High Hopes 17.4 33.45 58 | 8,500 |
#16 | BadFish | -B- PER 18.3 27.24 57.42 | 8,000 |
#17 | WishingWitch | BC Italian Siblings | 6,500 |
#18 | BadFish | -B- PER 18.4 29.71 53.92 | 6,500 |
#19 | Dozy | Hvn Incomplete Love 17.4 32.64 57 | 6,000 |
#20 | BadFish | -B- PER 18.5 28.35 56.58 | 5,520 |
#21 | Jibberish | Persano | 5,006 |
#22 | Dozy | Hvn Shining Star 17.2 33.62 58 | 5,000 |
#23 | CucumberLion | Artemis | 4,928 |
#24 | Jibberish | Persano | 3,500 |
#25 | CoolOpal | sano+ Oderzo | 3,440 |
#26 | LunaDream | Anduin LF | 3,263 |
#27 | LittleMoon | LM Willow | 2,914 |
#28 | LittleMoon | LM Ember | 2,849 |
#29 | CelestialBeing | 1043 Brindle Red Chestnut | 2,750 |
#30 | CelestialBeing | 1039 Brindle Red Chestnut | 2,750 |
#31 | CoolOpal | sano+ Ceres | 2,527 |
#32 | BadFish | -B- PER 18.7 32.06 58.05 | 2,500 |
#33 | CoolOpal | sano+ Monteaperta | 2,263 |
#34 | MadJackal | Persano 80 | 2,250 |
#35 | AlbinoNightmare | *AN*~ Lovable Teacher | 2,030 |
#36 | Dozy | DOZY. Dixie | 2,000 |
#37 | Dozy | DOZY. Valerie | 2,000 |
#38 | CoolOpal | sano+ Rispetto | 2,000 |
#39 | Jibberish | Persano | 2,000 |
#40 | CelestialBeing | 1061 persano 17.2 | 1,750 |
#41 | SithQueen | ~SQ~ Goldie | 1,750 |
#42 | Dozy | sano+ Rolo | 1,750 |
#43 | Izuku | Charm | 1,536 |
#44 | Pendragon | Vivaldi | 1,506 |
#45 | CoolOpal | sano+ Lucrezia | 1,501 |
#46 | Jibberish | Persano | 1,500 |
#47 | CelestialBeing | 1082 ebony grey | 1,500 |
#48 | QuantumEquus | pers Sitting Bull .per's foal | 1,500 |
#49 | Dozy | Hvn Roma 17.3 32.91 55 | 1,500 |
#50 | QuantumEquus | pers Ebony's foal | 1,500 |
#51 | QuantumEquus | pers Geoffrey's foal | 1,500 |
#52 | QuantumEquus | pers Geoffrey's foal | 1,500 |
#53 | QuantumEquus | pers Falling Leaves' foal | 1,500 |
#54 | QuantumEquus | pers Show Me The Money's foal | 1,500 |
#55 | QuantumEquus | pers Sevana's foal | 1,500 |
#56 | LastWinter | BC 1069 breed chall | 1,300 |
#57 | Pendragon | DOVE Red Admiral | 1,250 |
#58 | BillyLily | BLYLY 1227 Alaina | 1,125 |
#59 | CoolOpal | sano+ Filomena | 1,010 |
#60 | SpottedRose | sano+ Mogano | 1,008 |
#61 | Pepsi | Pepsi Persano | 1,000 |
#62 | QuantumEquus | pers Sevana's foal's | 1,000 |
#63 | QuantumEquus | pers Geoffrey's foal's | 1,000 |
#64 | Wicked | '..'. Triela | 1,000 |
#65 | CoolOpal | sano+ Perlescenza | 760 |
#66 | CoolOpal | sano+ Pescara | 758 |
#67 | Bits | Marli | 658 |
#68 | LittleMoon | LM Foggy | 652 |
#69 | BillyLily | BLYLY 1129 Freya | 500 |
#70 | Jibberish | Persano | 500 |
#71 | Jibberish | Persano | 500 |
#72 | CelestialBeing | Ce1 1027 choco 17.2 59 57 33sd .79 | 500 |
#73 | CelestialBeing | Ce1 1033 stysealbrown 17.3 60 33 | 500 |
#74 | QuantumEquus | pers Falling Leaves' foal's | 500 |
#75 | QuantumEquus | pers Show Me The Money's foal's | 500 |
#76 | QuantumEquus | pers Ebony's foal's | 500 |
#77 | LittleMoon | LM Mayhem's foal | 500 |
#78 | HorseJockeyGirl | Sell Breed Challenge | 500 |
#79 | CoolOpal | sano+ 1061 Bright Mahogany Bay Grey | 258 |
#80 | CoolOpal | sano+ 1063 Sooty Ebony Black Grey | 257 |
#81 | CoolOpal | sano+ 1037 Voronaya | 256 |
#82 | CoolOpal | sano+ 1080 Sooty Auburn Brown Grey | 256 |
#83 | CoolOpal | sano+ 1069 Chocolate Brown | 255 |
#84 | CoolOpal | sano+ 1041 Voronaya Grey | 254 |
#85 | LittleMoon | LM North Side's foal | 250 |
#86 | CoolOpal | sano+ 1084 Chocolate Chestnut | 250 |
#87 | RussianShadow | MuseO Persanno | 250 |
#88 | CoolOpal | Dornach | 250 |
#89 | LittleMoon | LM Asuna | 250 |
#90 | LittleMoon | LM Encore's foal | 250 |
#91 | Alpha | Destiny | 250 |
#92 | Hwin | Gianna | 98 |
#93 | IcePrincess | IP 17.4 London's foal | 50 |
#94 | Law | LAW No Name | 33 |
#95 | CoolOpal | sano+ Tarcento | 23 |
#96 | PinkThePumpkinDealer | PinkT Zephonia | 20 |
#97 | CoolOpal | sano+ Roverbasso | 17 |
#98 | Pendragon | sano+ Erebus | 14 |
#99 | NightOpal | NIOP Chicago | 12 |
#100 | AlbinoNightmare | *AN*~ Red Chiper | 12 |
Last updated 1196 minutes ago